of Everblue

of Everblue Colley à poil long

Colley à poil long

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Zadar - Congratulations!

Congrats for CACIB and BOB with your 'Lola' at the Zadar show last week and also thank you for subscribing the results on Collie Online. It was nice to meet you there. We have showed our Ch. Liaison Amourette, but missed just one ticket for the Croatian Ch. - that's show life :-) Fernando of Everblue was a grandfather of my first Collie, a very special and lovely dark sable bitch named Beverly, born in 1996. Greetings from southwestern Germany! S.M. http://www.liaison-collies.de

12/05/2013 - Sven Mallée


Se connecter sur votre site est un véritable enchantement. Vos chiens sont toujours aussi magnifiques et ils ont d'ailleurs tellement d'autres choses... Quel bonheur ces chiens.Merci.katia
